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Public Comment Period

If you would like to present a comment to Council at a Council meeting regarding an item on the Agenda you must complete this form and submit it to the Municipal Clerk. Please note that the deadline for Public Comment requests is 12-noon, on the Monday prior to the meeting date (1 day before the meeting date).

Public Comments will only be accepted for items listed on the Council Meeting agenda in Sections 10 through 15. 

Please note that as per Procedural By-law 2022-21, as amended, a maximum of six (6) public comments shall be scheduled for each meeting. The time limit of five (5) minutes shall be strictly enforced.


For the purposes of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, by submitting this form, I authorize and consent to the use by, or the disclosure, to any person or public body or publishing on the Municipal website any information that is contained in this submission and recognize that my name may become part of the public record.