Under By-law 2021-11, all dogs in Douro-Dummer must have a license. All licensed dogs will be issued a dog tag and registered in the Township's licensing system. Tags are issued for the lifetime of the dog, and the associated licence must be renewed annually.
Dog licences can be purchased until April 30th for $15 per dog, after April 30th the price increases to $20 per dog. Lost tags can be replaced for $5 each.
Payment can made at the Douro-Dummer Municipal office in Warsaw via cash, cheque or debit or at the Hall's Glen Transfer Station by debit.
Cheques should be made out to "The Township of Douro-Dummer". Cheques can also be left in the Municipal Office drop box or mailed to the Municipal office - if using these methods of payment delivery please clearly indicate the purpose of the cheque! Do not leave cash in the drop box or send cash in the mail.
Please note that registration or renewal is not complete until payment has been received.
If you have more than one dog to register or renew, the opportunity to add more dogs will appear after registering or renewing your first dog. Up to 3 dogs can be registered.
Please note that the cost of the licence is determined by when it is paid, not when this form is received.
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